Submitted by Bruce Liebknecht on Tue, 02/23/2021 - 19:38
We completed the roll-out of the PlantPets update to version 3.0 which started last November! All 515 plantpets in our servers are now version 3.088. PlantPet 2.0s will continue to work as usual until the 31st of August 2021. After this date, 2.0s plantpets will stop delivering baby seeds. Please update your plantpets ASAP by following the instructions in the infographic below. Please note that seeds do not need an update!
Submitted by Bruce Liebknecht on Tue, 02/23/2021 - 19:11
We released a surprise limited edition Cannabis Novus *Love Spell*. It emits hearts particles and has bright red buds. It is available as the reward of a PlantPets mission which costs 500L and which exchanges any 10 growing plantpets for one seed of this new limited edition! The mission will be available for purchase until the 27th of February and must be completed by the end of February.
Submitted by Bruce Liebknecht on Tue, 02/23/2021 - 18:30
For Valentine's Day we released 11 Hibiscus Shrub plantpets, 7 common and 4 rares (one of them elite) obtainable as rewards by a mission with a deadline the end of February 2021. The plant is mesh 30 LI with very high detail.
Submitted by Bruce Liebknecht on Tue, 02/23/2021 - 18:27
At the end of January we released a permanent mission that exchanges any 10 plantpets for one Magic Booster. The magic booster refills a vintage PlantPet with seven seeds to produce regardless of the rarity status of the plantpet. This booster can be applied ONLY to vintage PlantPets and only to PlantPet v3.0 or later.
Submitted by Bruce Liebknecht on Thu, 01/28/2021 - 02:05
We released an automatic watering system for PlantPet 3.0. Find it next to the recycling bin vendor in the PlantPets Main Store.
It is a single-prim droplet system which when rezzed and switched ON, maintains the moisture level of all plantpets in the region. It has been successfully tested with 60 plantpets. When more than 60 plantpets are present in the region it may be required to rez one droplet for every 60 plantpets.
Submitted by Bruce Liebknecht on Thu, 12/10/2020 - 07:33
A ray of sunshine from PlantPets this December! A brand new cannabis subspecies to be released this Thursday at 11:10 am SLT. The plant is 100% mesh and it is 1 LI! The plant was built for PlantPets by Mowri Panache. These are four common and one rare Cannabis Novus PlantPets! We will sell the common ones at the PlantPets Main Store, 500L per seed, and you can breed the rare one! All five are PlantPet 3.0.
Submitted by Bruce Liebknecht on Mon, 12/07/2020 - 20:22
It is now possible to update growing 2.0s Cannabis plantpets to version 3.088. Please follow the instructions in the infographic. You can now perform steps 1 and 2 for all your plantpets. Steps 3-5 will work only for the Cannabis plantpets. As we upgrade more plantpets in the coming days, steps 3-5 will start working for them as well. We will announce when a new species has been upgraded!
Submitted by Bruce Liebknecht on Mon, 11/23/2020 - 12:27
We are super excited to announce that the work on the long anticipated PlantPet 3.0 has been completed! PlantPet 3.0 reflects our 13 year experience with growing and breedable plants in SL and the user feedback we have collected over the years. We believe that with PlantPet 3.0 we can bring a much more entertaining experience to all owners and breeders of PlantPets.
Submitted by Bruce Liebknecht on Thu, 10/15/2020 - 20:12
We are excited to present to you a full-blown set of Broccoli plantpets this Halloween season! We added five new broccoli plantpets to the two classic and well-known limited editions Evil Broccoli *Scary* and Evil Broccoli *Mystic*. The new ones are: