Submitted by Bruce Liebknecht on Tue, 12/20/2022 - 02:27
We released 7 common and 6 rare Chrysanth plantpets. The rare elite Chrysanth *Mercury* was determined by a popular vote. All rares except Chrysanth *Uranus* are available via a mission as usual. Chrysanth *Uranus* was second in the vote and we decided to keep it hidden! It will be available ONLY by breeding and not via the mission! The mission deadline is Jan 29 2023!
Submitted by Bruce Liebknecht on Sun, 11/13/2022 - 10:43
Yesterday we released a limited-edition caladium plantpet dedicated to Thanksgiving! It is a sculpt plant designed by Roxy Bergiere of Love Everlasting. Being sculpt in this case is an advantage as the plant is temporarily rezzed above the pot and does not get subtracted from prims allowed on land.
This plantpet is available as a reward for completing a PlantPets Mission which exchanges 10 growing plantpets for one seed of the limited-edition caladium. The mission is available for purchase at the PlantPets Main Store and must be completed by the 4th of December 2022.
Submitted by Bruce Liebknecht on Mon, 10/24/2022 - 19:05
We released five new Halloween-themed plantpets. These are 2 limited-edition pumpkin patch plantpets and three blood dripping monstera plantpets. All are available by completing a mission by the 13th of November. Enjoy your Halloween season!
Submitted by Bruce Liebknecht on Tue, 07/12/2022 - 17:06
On the 10th of July, we released two limited edition tulips, Tulip *Turquoise* and Tulip *Azure Dream* dedicated to the biggest festival in Islam Eid al-Adha, which lasts 5 days from the 8th to the 12th of July this year. Both limited editions are available as rewards of a mission with a deadline of the 31st of July. The mission is priced at L$500 as the tulip plant parts are an older build. For the limited editions, we arranged them in a beautiful antique incense burner around a golden plated turquoise stone that matches the color of the tulip.
Submitted by Bruce Liebknecht on Tue, 07/05/2022 - 15:24
The PlantPets NFT reward for July is our very first limited edition plantpet Eleusis Glamorous. It is a glamorised version of Eleusis Roseus (the very first plantpet) with some added glow and special particles. It was released in December 2010 for the 3rd birthday of PlantPets. Since Eleusis Glamorous is vintage by default, the reward pack also contains one magic booster that can be applied to the plantpet to make it breedable.
Submitted by Bruce Liebknecht on Tue, 07/05/2022 - 13:35
The PlantPets July mission rewards either the newly released LE Liriope *Firecracker* dedicated to the 4th of July 2022 or the older Lilac Bush *Old Glory*. The deadline for completing the mission is the end of July.
Submitted by Bruce Liebknecht on Sun, 05/29/2022 - 16:11
Yesterday PlantPets in collaboration with Krescendo released two limited-edition rainbow-colored Monstera plantpets dedicated to Pride Month 2022. They are available as rewards of a PlantPets mission that exchanges any 10 growing plantpets for a seed of a limited-edition rainbow Monstera. The mission is available at the PlantPets Main Store and the Krescendo store. It costs L$800 and must be completed by the end of June.
Happy Pride Month!
Submitted by Bruce Liebknecht on Sun, 05/15/2022 - 19:33
31st of May is the very final deadline for automatically updating old PlantPets seeds obtained before May 2019. They are brown avocado-like seeds that had to be updated after the server crash in April 2019.
After this deadline, we will update manually ONLY seeds that have been purchased for at least L$500 and with a screenshot that proves the price and date of purchase from the Transaction History on
Submitted by Bruce Liebknecht on Sun, 05/08/2022 - 20:26
Submitted by Bruce Liebknecht on Wed, 03/30/2022 - 16:33
On Friday, the 1st of April, PlantPets are releasing a new limited edition plantpet Liriope *Printemps* dedicated to Easter 2022.
Liriope is a new PlantPets species that will be fully released later this spring. This LE is the first liriope. We imagined it as a genetic cross between RL liriope and lilac, designed to bring the feeling of Spring and a new beginning in 2022 to SL!
For the time being, until the full range of liriope plantpets is released, the seeds of this LE will be lilac plantpets.